Our Private Investigators
are retired FBI Special Agents and Colombian National Police,
Dominican National Police as well as officials from other law enforcement agencies in Latin America. The Latin America Group, Inc., a licensed
private investigation firm, is located in Miami, Florida, with offices in Bogota, Colombia, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Santo
Domingo, Dominican Republic, Panama City, Panama, Santiago, Chile and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The phone number for the
main office is (305)725-5583. The President and CEO of The Latin America Group, Inc. is a former state prosecutor and
is also a retired Special Agent of the FBI having served in the Bureau for 25 years. Twenty years of his career were
spent in Central/South America and the Caribbean investigating a variety of matters. As a U.S. Embassy FBI Attache he investigated
numerous kidnappings, major thefts, terrorism cases, fugitives, insurance/financial fraud, drug cases, as well as white-collar
and computer crimes. Our General Manager, Alan Irvine, is a retired Police Commander with 33 years of experience with a large
metropolitan police department in the U.S. Our CEO, General Manager and their associates have spent an additional fifteen
years in Latin America and the Caribbean conducting consulting inquiries and private investigation for law firms, both large
and small corporations as well as financial investment firms.
Private Investigators Colombia
All of our associates have foreign investigative experience and are familiar with U.S.
and foreign government policies and practices overseas.